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Moving advice


By June 25, 2020November 23rd, 2020No Comments

One of the most important pieces of equipment during a move is a moving box. They allow you to properly organize your items for fast packing and unpacking, they also make it easy to transport your items from one house or office to another. For many years we have all been using cardboard boxes for packing and moving, they are easily available from your local shop for a small fee and sometimes for free. However there are multiple downfalls that come with using cardboard boxes that's why we now encourage people to use plastic moving crates.


Plastic crates are easy to clean, at Kejamove we clean, sanitize and fumigate our crates after every move. When it comes to cartons you can’t be sure of the level of cleanliness. In recent times, the world is dealing with the COVID 19 pandemic and hygiene is our top priority in keeping ourselves safe. Cartons are easy to find, though you have no way of washing them or sanitizing them, you may be putting yourself and your loved ones at risk of getting infected. Most of the time you also have no idea what the cartons previously contained, it could be harmful substances or chemicals that could easily get transferred into your food and clothes.


Plastic reusable crates are very environmentally friendly and sustainable. They are made of hard plastic and each box lasts about 5 years while a carton box lasts only two moves. One tree produces only 150 carton boxes, with the current global warming issue, increase in floods and drought, we need to be individually responsible for our environment and save more trees.


The plastic crates are specifically made to be easy to carry. They have handles on the sides of the box compared to carton boxes which are a bit hard to handle especially when they are heavy.

Moving company in Kenya


Our Kejamove plastic crates protect your items from water compared to cartons which can get wet and fall apart. Rain is inevitable and so are accidental water spills, cartons are made of paper so they easily absorb water, this wetness can lead to mold and it's not great for food items, books and clothes.


The reusable plastic crates are very hardy in case of any drop they protect the items inside, carton boxes are not very reliable when it comes to safety. They can easily tear which may be dangerous especially when the box contains those lovely cups you got from your mom, or those prized plates you bought with your first ever salary šŸ™

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Carton boxes call for a lot of sealing tape to keep your items from falling out and sometimes if you are in a hurry, you may end up not properly sealing the box and losing some items. Kejamove plastic crates come with an easy sealable top eliminating the need for any tape whatsoever. Not only does this make sure your items are protected it also contributes to saving the environment by reducing light plastic waste. In other words using plastic crates for your move makes you an environmental ambassador! Great job you!

Planning to move and would prefer to pack your own items yourself?

Feel free to rent our moving boxes today!

click here to rent
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